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Foot Anatomy/Plantar Fasciitis

What do people start losing in the foot as they age?
As the heel strikes the ground, it is the beginning of what phase?
What is the largest tarsal bone?
What part of the foot is made up of the five metatarsals and all phalanges?
Abnormal position in which the distal segment is situated away from midline is?
What is another name for athlete's foot?
Where does the tibialis anterior insert?
What is the horizontal shelf that arises from the anteromedial portion of the calcaneus?
What makes up the medial malleolus?
What arch runs from side to side through the three cuneiforms to the cuboid?
Which malleoli is most often fractured?
What is a combination of plantar flexion, inversion and adduction of the foot?
People with Plantar Fasciitis also typically have trouble with what type of foot motion?
What joint does eversion and inversion?
What plane does eversion and inversion occur in?
How many bones are in the foot?
We tend to stand on a _______.
What is the true ankle joint called?
What muscle attaches to the base of the 1st metatarsal?
The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles make up a "three-headed calf" muscle called?
What ligament attaches to the talus, navicular and calcaneus?
What is one of the muscles considered part of the "stirrup of the foot"
What foot bone has 6 surfaces?
What is the name that refers to an abnormally high arch?
What increases the stability of the foot and arches during weight-bearing?
The ankle joint allows how many degrees of dorsiflexion?
What is a leading contributor to Plantar Fasciitis if not properly supported?
What is the acronym for the separation of the toes?
What bone makes up the lateral malleolus?
What plane does plantar flexion and dorsiflexion occur in?
What nerve innervates the posterior lower leg?
What is considered the "keystone" of the foot?