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Explorer's Crossword

What month was Cartier born in?
What was the name of Jacques's ship?
What's Jacques's nationality?
What did Champlain sign then return to Quebec?
After a war broke out, did Champlain surrender?
Was the king pleased with the explorations of Jacques?
Where was Cartier born?
The first voyage of Cartier lasted how many days?
What military did Samuel join?
Who did Cartier marry?
How many miles did Jacques go up ST. Lawrence River?
As a young boy what was one of the things Samuel studied?
Aged 61,how did Samuel die?
What month was Cartier married in?
Where was Champlain born?
Where did Champlain build his mansion?
How long was Cartier's ship?
In 1603 what colony did Samuel leave?
"March 15, 1603 : Samuel set sail for" were?
What was the age of the girl Samuel married?