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Macroevolution can lead to what?
Reduced and often useless leftovers of once functional features
Minor genetic changes occurring in populations
Proposed catastrophism
Long periods of stability interrupted by major upheavals that changed the landscape
Erosion and deposition are slow, but can gradually change a whole landscape
The belief that microbes appeared suddenly from inanimate materials
Incomplete speciation
Process by which evolution occurs
Darwin's bulldog
Speciation with no physical barriers
Branching evolution
Based on biblical lineages, _____ said that world was created in 4004 BC
May look different, but arose from the same original structure
Idea that there are higher and lower forms of life
Speciation by physical isolation
Lamarck proposed that evolution was driven by a force called ________
Important evolutionary clues that were not found to be significant until the 1600s
One species becomes another
Proposed "uniformitarianism"