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Unit 4 crossword puzzle

Move closed hand with thumb out in a up and down motion near chin then in front of body point index fingers with one hand on top of the other
Open hand with thumb on the chin
With an open hand, place thumb on forehead and shake the hand outward twice
With a thumb in front of your body, and one at your lips, move the one from your lips to connect with the other thumb
Hold hands together, one over the othere, then pull them apart with palms facing down
Sign the letter U in a circular motion on the side of your forhead
Open palm facing the stomach, move hand in an outward position
Sign the letter A in a up and down motion near the chin
With one palm open and facing up, take the middle finger of the other hand and put on top of other hand and wiggle it back and forth
Open palm, fingers closed. place hand sideways at the nose and then move it away from the face
Over your dominant shoulder, move your hands forward in a circular motion
Hold your hands together
With your hands in a fist, cross your arms in front of your chest
Make an L with your hand and put your index finger on your chin
Put thumb between middle and ring finger and move hand up and down near the chin