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Changes on Earth's surface

                        Morgan N. Bailey

When weathered material gets moved around.
A deposited piece of calcium that is hanging from the ceiling or side of the cave.
Water,wind,and ice.
A process that raises or builds the surface features up of the Earth.
Weathered or eroded material that is dropped by ice, wind, or water.
The place where the river gets into a larger body of water.
When rocks get broken down by water,wind,ice, or heat.
Changes to the Earth that take a long time (slowly).
Fragmented material that is solid, such as sand,gravel,silt,and fossil fragments.
When a river begins.
Bodies of water without salt, like lakes, swamps ,and rivers.
A deposited piece of calcium that is on a floor of a cave, from the dripping of water.
A process that breaks down the features of the surface of the Earth.
Bodies of salt water like the ocean or the sea.