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Green 41 - g words

Move your shoulders up and down to show you don't know
A body organ used to taste, lick and (in humans) help with speech
Not innocent
A person or object used to protect something else from being damaged or harmed
A book showing items for sale, or a list of items (usually in a systematic order)
Words or actions we use to communicate
Give reasons to support what you think, or exchange different opinions - often in an angry way
A small red insect with black spots
An instrument that shows the amount of something
Somebody you have invited to do something
Not very clear
Powerful, muscular, well built, tough - not weak or puny
Estimate something when you can't be sure of the correct answer
A musical instrument with strings
Making people curious or interested, or planning to do something bad
A conversation between people in a book, play or in real life
A HUGE chunk of ice floating in the sea
A disease, usually that spreads quickly and kills many people
AEEGLU (anagram)
A line that turns left and right in quick turns
A person who shows you the way