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Med-Surg Lab

What is the correct acronym to remember correct order of administering medications and appropriate flushes?
Stage of pressure injury that the skin is intact, non-blanchable, and usually over a bony prominence.
Tissue is torn with jagged edges, what type of wound is this?
How many milliliters of blood do you aspirate when checking central lines.
Clear, thin, and watery drainage
This is a major way to break sterility and compromise your sterile field
Around the IV site appears warm and red.
Which fluid is most like blood plasma
A 0.45% NaCl is considered to be what type of solution?
Dressing that forms a gel within a wound, is highly absorptive, and changed daily
When drawing up and mixing insulin, you draw ________ up first
Drainage that contains pus.
After giving a heparin injection, how long do you hold the needle_______seconds.
What position do you want the patient in when inserting an NG tube.
method that ensures medication does not leak back into the subcutaneous tissue
How do you verify placement of PICC line?
Full-thickness loss, exposed bone/muscle/tendon, undermining and tunneling present, and slough or eschar may also be present
manufactures name for the drug.
How many minutes do you need to keep the head of the bed above 30 degrees after a tube feeding?
At what angle do you give an IM injection