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The Mayas

The amount of land (in acres) that was needed to feed a family of five
The hot and flat area of the Yucatan Peninsula where the rainforest is located
Shortages of this may have also contributed to the demise of the empire
The "spice of life," along with tomatoes and fruits, that were commonly grown
In 1839, Stephens and Catherwood found this buried under centuries of jungle growth
During this time period (800-900 CE), Maya civilization fell into ruin
Clearing small plots of land, then burning cut trees and plants for fertilizer
Maya period lasting from 1800 BCE to 250 CE
The geographic region consisting of forested mountains and valleys, volcanoes, rich soil, and cooler climates
The British Artist who captured the world's imagination with his illustrations of Maya architecture
Prolonged period of little or no rainfall
The Maya homeland was centered on this peninsula
One possible reason for the collapse of Maya civilization
Post-Classic Maya civilization ended with this conquest of Mexico in the early 1500s
Period lasting from 250 to 900 CE, when the major sites including Tikal, Palenque, and Copan were built.
The American explorer who discovered lost Maya ancient sites
This amount of rainfall each year (in inches) made it difficult for human settlement
A region extending from central Mexico into northern Central America
A large Maya city typically had hundreds of buildings such as stone pyramids, temples, and palaces located here
The Maya developed an advanced civilization in this hemisphere.