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Know that you may be the only one to save a child's life
________ is a strategy that stops challenging behavior by recognizing challenging behavior at its earliest stages and taking steps to stop it from escalating
Sexual contact or interaction between a child and an adult or older child.
Anything to a child's health or welfare that can occur when any person:
Fact /Myth: many victims of child abuse do not display physical signs
____ lose your temper with an abusive parent; it only serves to put him or heron the defensive
Three children die as a result of child abuse in the home in the United States each ____
Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, toll free telephone number 800-962-2873
Who's job is it to prove and investigate the child abuse or neglect
Exemption from civil or criminal charges resulting from reporting "in good faith"
When a child is known to associate with confirmed or suspected CSEC youth it is an indicator of what
But you have a _____ obligation to report it.
Unexplained burns are what type of indicators
________ is uneven, as children do not progress in all skills at the same time.
A ______ disability is a chronic condition that is diagnosed in childhood and substantially limits major life activities in childhood.
As a Floridian and a child care provider it is your duty and your _______ ______ to report suspected child abuse or neglect
A form of emotion abuse that involves excessive yelling,shaming, belittling and/or teasing of a child.
The type of human trafficking which is a form of generating money for a gang, and a gang member is involved in the trafficking of the victim.
A _____ grows and learns as a whole, not in pieces
________ development progresses at irregular intervals, with progress periodically starting and stopping.
F /M: in most cases of sexual abuse the perpetrator is a stranger
Showing anxiety about normal activities is what type of indicator
The mistreatment of a child by a person responsible for the child's welfare that results in injury or harm to the child.
You not only have a _____ obligation to intervene,
Failure to provide adequate food, clothing,shelter,health care, or needed supervision
Any person under 18