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Charlotte's Web Crossword.

This is what Wilbur eats out of.
Fern and Avery's father.
Fern's Uncle that bought Wilbur.
The animal that talks in a funny, repetitive way.
Wilbur's best friend on the farm.
Templeton describes himself as a __________________.
The animal that thinks pigs are "less than nothing".
A very small animal.
The Author of Charlotte's Web.
A character that loves Fern and Charlotte.
A character who collects weird objects and hates merry-making.
A word Fern used to describe the action of Mr. Arable trying to kill Wilbur when he was a piglet.
Charlotte’s fancy way of saying hello.
Fern's brother.
A man who works on the Zuckerman farm.
A character that loves animals.