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Homework Assignment #3

Limitations placed on a branch of government's political power by giving the other branches some control over its affairs.
A governmental power that is specifically granted in a constitution.
The process of giving formal approval of an action by an agency or government.
A particular item or object typically one of a specified type.
Roughly 500 departments, agencies, administrations, authorities and commissions that carry out responsibilities assigned to them through Congressional legislation.
The formal rejection of legislation by a chief executive.
An addition town already adopted constitution
The distribution of political power among the branches of government, giving each branch a particular set of responsibilities.
A formal written request typically signed by many people appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause.
The bringing of formal charges by a legislature against a public official.
A list of items found in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution that set forth the authority of Congress.
The power of a court to determine whether laws and other government actions are constitutional or otherwise unlawful.
Reasonable grounds to accuse an individual of committing a specific crime.
A system of government based on the rule of local lords bound to a monarch by ties of loyalty
The power of a court to interpret and administer law.
A formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.