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Dimorphic fungi, lobomycosis, pneumocystis

Subcutaneous mycosis endemic in South America and Central America in humans and _________, particularly found on the dorsal fin, head, and fluke (lobes of the tail).
This type of spore is formed when a relatively large cell, e.g., a spherule, undergoes progressive internal cleavage.
The life cycle of Pneumocystis includes an asexual ________ (feeding) form and a sexual cystic form.
This cosmopolitan genus, isolated from soil, animal dung, and decaying plant material, produces alternating arthroconidia which, at the time they are formed, are of the same width as the hyphae, and closely resembles Coccidioides in vitro, but this genus is monomorphic.
Most medically significant fungi belong as teleomorphs to this phylum.
This thermally dimorphic fungus's geographic distribution is restricted to South America where the majority of cases are diagnosed in Brazil, Venezuela, and Columbia.
To speed the identification process and to reduce the risk of laboratory-acquired infection, most mycology laboratories today use serodiagnosis method to identify highly virulent moulds via detection of ________ in the cell wall extracts of unknown fungus.
A common opportunistic infection in persons with HIV infection is an interstitial pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci and nicknamed _______.
This genus contains only a single species and produces chains of darkly pigmented, spheroidal, large, e.g., 9-12 µm in size, yeast-like organisms typically in tissue, BUT has not yet been cultured in vitro.
A thermally dimorphic fungal genus that contains the agent of sporotrichosis.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a chronic illness, acquired by inhalation generally, although also thought to result possibly from the use of _______ to clean teeth.
Stages and terminology in the genus Pneumocystis are based on zoological terms, because Pneumocystis was classified as a __________ from its discovery in 1909 until approximately 1992, when it was determined that Pneumocystis is a fungal genus!
Histoplasmosis is an infection most often presenting in a ________ (harmless, not invasive) pulmonary form.
Without a doubt Coccidioides immitis is the most _____________ of the pathogenic fungi.
Synonym for lacaziosis
Thermally dimorphic fungal genus with greatest number of cases reported form Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri valleys, and its yeasts in infected tissue have refractive walls, budding on a broad base, and are large, e.g., 8-15µm in diameter.
An empty cell which fragments or lyses, thereby liberating a conidium, e.g., an arthroconidium or aleurioconidium.
Genus that contains etiologic agent of the mycosis commonly called caver's disease, aka spelunker's disease and aka Ohio Valley disease.
This fungal genus contains a sole species, which was the major cause of death in European orphanages between 1950 ad 1960 (post WWII).
The multiple "satellite" budding yeasts commonly formed at 37°C on rich media by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis are nicknamed ____________ wheels.
The genus Pneumocystis, formerly classified as a protozoan, was moved to Kingdom Fungi based on comparative analysis of 16S ribosomal _______.