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Perceiving a sensory experience with no external stimulus
Phase of schizophrenia when symptoms are diminishing, and there is movement toward previous level of functioning
A mental health disorder including schizophrenia as well as mood disorder symptoms
A false perception that one's environment has changed
Brand name for an atypical (second-generation) antipsychotic used to target positive or negative symptoms
A group of symptoms including blunted affect, alogia, avolition, and anhedonia
Symptoms such as dry mouth, blurry vision, urinary retention, and constipation
Group of antipsychotics that target positive AND negative symptoms; fewer side effects, treat anxiety, depression, and decrease suicidal behavior
Brand name of an antihistamine used to treat anxiety and itching
Severe adverse symptoms including akathisia, acute dystonia, and pseudoparkinsonism
Phase of schizophrenia when patient is at or near baseline functioning
A potentially devastating brain disorder that affects thinking, language, emotions, social behavior, and ability to perceive reality accurately.
An inability to recognize reality; a symptom, not a diagnosis
A group of symptoms including dysphoria, suicidality, and hopelessness
A group of symptoms including hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and bizarre behavior
A phase of schizophrenia beginning with a change from premorbid functioning, and extending until onset of frank psychotic symptoms
A group of symptoms including inattention, impaired memory, and illogical thinking
Potentially fatal side effect of antipsychotics; sore throat, fever, malaise, and mouth sores
Phase of schizophrenia with onset or exacerbation of symptoms
Group of antipsychotics that target positive symptoms
Brand name for an antiparkinsonian drug used to treat EPS
One of the key neurotransmitters involved in schizophrenia