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Assisted Suicide*

Used as sleeping aids.
Second physician who confirms eligibility.
One of the alternative care methods that a physician must provide.
First country to pass death with dignity laws.
Allows the terminally ill to receive aid to die on their own terms.
Prescriptions can only be written _______ receiving written request.
Individual(s) present at time of creating Written Request.
The physician who the First Oral Request is made to.
Final Attestation Form is required ________ taking medication.
Taken by physicians to "do no harm" and uphold the highest ethical standards.
Anti-nausea medication.
Most common medication used.
Second most common medication used
Hours required for physicians to wait and for Final Attestation to be completed.
Eligibility for medical aid in dying must be determined by ____ physicians.
Gas used by FinalExit.
Number of days you must wait after making the First Oral Request.
First state to pass death with dignity laws.