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Wound Care

PNS-1201  Chapter 38

Slough produced by a thermal burn, corrosive material, or gangrene
Excavation of skin and tissue from injury or necrosis
Softening of tissue that increases chance of trauma or infection
A localized infection consisting of an accumulation of pus
To close together, as in wound healing
Fluid in or on tissue surfaces that has escaped from blood vessels in response to inflammation
With a poorly functioning immune system
The skin covering the body
Breakdown, disintegration; also reduction or abatement
An acute, spreading inflammation of the deep subcutaneous tissues and sometimes muscle
Local death of tissue from disease or injury
Twisting of a joint
Surgical separation of tissue
Fibrous structural protein of all connective tissue
Arrest of the escape of blood
Removal of foreign or unhealthy tissue from a wound
A canal or passageway leading to an abscess
A torn, ragged, or mangled wound
An abnormal tubelike passage within body tissue
Fatty; composed of fat cells
Pooling of blood under skin
Support bandage that wraps around the breasts or abdoment
Redness of the skin caused by congestion of the capillaries
Fibrous band that holds parts together that are normally separated
Containing pus
Traumatic separation of tissues
Layer of dead tissue separates from living tissue
Permanent raised, enlarged scar
Insoluble protein essential to clotting