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Isabelle Lam (section 4) crossword

A judge's comment made in passing that is not considered binding
Always goes at the beginning of a citation
Secondary source that covers the law in a comprehensive way by summarizing, explaining, analyzing, and interpreting the law
A facta is persuasive, while a memo is _
PECA is an example
Legal principle concerning adherence to court precedents
The 4 C's of good legal research are: Correct, comprehensive, cost-effective, and _
when it comes down to choosing between the 3 primary electronic sources for citation purposes, this source is the best in terms of accessibility
A legal research step where you update your research and ensure what you found accurately represents the current state of the law
Acronym for how to brief cases in ILS
Default order of search results on CanLII
process where the text of the law is revised to include any amendments or repeals that have affected that legislation
"And", "or", and "but" are examples of this type of search term
used in footnote citation when directing the reader to the footnote containing the original, full citation
Method to help you narrow down your search on Westlaw
used in footnote citation when directing the reader to the immediately preceding reference