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Pediatrics Semester 3

Teacher: Mrs. Monica Madolora
In pediatrics, most commonly occurs at the umbilicus and through the inguinal canal.
Autosomal recessive disorder
Treatment for this disorder includes maintenance of a patent airway, prevention of pneumonia, gastric or blind pouch decompression, supportive therapy and, and surgical repair.
Abbreviation for Phenylketonuria
Inability to tolerate lactose as a result of an absence or deficiency of lactase.
May require Nutrition via a Nasogastric tube if persistent and associated with poor growth/development.
Inflammation of the appendix.
Unnatural connection with the trachea, as a result of the esophagus terminating before it reaches the stomach.
Occurs as a result of an absence ganglion cells.
Incomplete development or absence of the anus in its normal position in the perineum.
Diet consisting of: beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, veggies, fruits, puffed rice, & corn. Prohibited Foods: commercially prepared ice cream, malted milk, puddings, grains, anything made from wheat, rye, oats, or barley.
AKA glutenenteropathy; Intolerance to gluten.
Telescoping of one portion of the bowel into another, jelly like stools that contain blood and mucous.
A congenital anomaly; failure of soft tissue to fuse during embryonic development.
A sign of respiratory distress, associated with poor perfusion.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome