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Chapter 10

Teacher: Psych
Collection of a student's work systematically complied over a lengthy time period
Assessment that results from a teacher's spontaneous, day to day observations of how students behave and perform in class
Score that indicates how students performance on a assessment compares with the average performance of others
Process of observing a sample of student behavior and drawing inferences about the students knowledge
Assessment of students knowledge and skills in "real life" context
List of components that a student's performance on an assessment task should ideally include
Assessment task that either offend or unfairly penalize some students because of their ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status
Extent to which an assessment instrument yields consistent information about the knowledge, skills, or characteristics being assessed
Extent to which an assessment includes a representative sample of task within the domain being assessed
Evaluation conducted before or during instruction to faciliate instructional planning and enhance students learning
Systematic examination of how easily a student can aquire new knowledge or skills
Mandated obligation of teachers and other school personnel to accept responsibility for students performance on high stakes assessments
Assessment in which students provide written responses
Extent to which an assessment instrument or procedure is inexpensive and easy to use and takes only a small amount of time to administer and score
Extent to which an assessment instrument actully measures what it is intended to measure and allows appropriate inferences about the characteristics
Preplanned, systematic attempt to ascertain what students have learned