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The Skeleton

Bone joining the pelvis between the ilial bones
Abbreviation for ligament of the knee often injured
Bone containing the ear canal and bony ossicles.
"Stick your tongue out and say __" helps the doctor or nurse see your posterior pharynx.
Lateral leg bone
Vertebrae with the largest bottom and normally only 5 in number
Brace for the pectoral girdle
Root meaning "against"
Tissue found in the costal cartilages
Carpal bone between the scaphoid and triquetral bones
Tarsal bone articulating with the talus.
Attachment site of Achilles tendon
The inferior portion of the sternum which is the last bone to ossify, and may not ossify in some adults.
Largest (or superior) pelvic bone
Bone found between carpals and the proximal phalange
Bone vital for ankle stability
Carpal bone with poor blood supply and thus, at risk for avascular necrosis. Can be palpated by locating the anatomical snuffbox
Latin root meaning "away from"
Carpal bone with hook
Modern advance which replaced records and 8-track tapes.
Tarsal articulation with the calcaneus and lateral cuneiform
Atomic symbol for copper
Carpal bone found between the trapezoid and hamate bones
Atomic symbol for the element containing 55 protons in its nucleus.
Part of pelvic bone you actually sit on
"wing" or part of the shoulder girdle
One of several Latin roots meaning "to" or "toward"
Bone the upper teeth sit in
With the pelvis forms the hip joint
Medial bone of the forearm
Latin root for "bad"
Aka fingers, toes, or digits
Bone bordered by the sagittal suture, coronal suture lamdoid suture, and squamous suture.
Roof of the nasal cavity and site of meninges attachment
Bone found between tarsal and proximal phalange
Bone with the foramen magnum
Medial bone of the pelvis
Bones protecting the lungs
Largest bone of the leg (anatomical leg)
Bones protecting the spinal cord
Bones of the foot
Smallest carpal bone
Chest region or location of heart and lungs
Oddly shaped cranial bone forming the posterior orbit and protecting the pituitary gland
Lateral bone of the forearm
Jaw bone
End of the vertebral column
Atomic symbol for major mineral found in bone, but which can be displaced by the element lead.
Junction of the proximal and intermediate phalanges