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Unit 5 Crossword

Waves that do not need a medium to be carried out. (radiant transfer of energy)
Electromagnetic radiation which has a longer wave length than visible light.
Highest point or peak of a wave.
The highest energy,and shortest wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic radiation at wave length longer than red end of visible light, and shorter than microwaves.
Energy emitted in the form of waves or particles.
Electromagnetic radiation at wave length which the human eye can see.
The distance between the peak of a wave and its rest position. (equilibrium)
Waves that travel with the medium
The highest pressure and/or tight coils of a wave.
A range of all types of EM radiation.
The ability to do work or cause change.
The lowest point or valley of a wave.
Measurement of frequency.
Electromagnetic radiation of very short wave lengths, and of very high energy.
The lowest pressure and/or loose coils of a wave.
A wave in which particles of the medium move in a direction of perpendicular to attraction when a wave moves.
Electromagnetic radiation at wave length shorter than the violet end of visible light.
A wave in which particles of the medium move in a direction of parallel.
Electromagnetic radiation which had the lowest frequency and the longest wave length.
The distance between two identical points in successive parts of a wave.
A disturbance that transfer energy.