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Type 2 Diabetes

Teacher: Michelle Taft
85-90% of people with prediabetes will develop this disease.
Another name for reduced blood supply.
A lifelong disease
A test given to a person who has fasted for at least 8 hours
Diabetic foot ulcers may lead to this.
Another name for the A1C test
Another name for sugar. Diabetics must balance their intake of these.
An easy method for making sure that you have a well-balanced meal.
Biggest risk factor for diabetes
Too much of this can build up in the blood and damage our bodies
Medication used to treat some cases of diabetes
___________ nigricans is a symptom of Type 2 Diabetes. It is a dark, velvety patch in the folds of the skin.
A diabetic foot an ultimately lead to this
30 -60 minutes a day can help you prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Nerve damage
Organ that makes insulin for our bodies
Diabetic Retinopathy can lead to this.
If both parents have Type 2 Diabetes a child's risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes is 50%
A test that measures a patient's blood glucose before and 2 hours after drinking a sugar drink.
Cells in the pancreas that are attacked in people with Type 1 Diabetes
1 out of 3 adults > 20 years old have this.
Type 2 Diabetes used to be called _________ onset diabetes
Children with a high _________ were able to identify fast food brands and logos more accurately.