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Teacher: Rusti
Witch hazel spray will give you what kind of hold
7.1-14 on the ph scale
Which shampoo is recommended for golden blondes
Elevate to 45 degrees
Caused by elevation, over direction and tension
This styling product is used to create volume.
Another name for a blow dryer nozzle
How many sections in a short round layer
Using a boar bristle brush will give you this look
Another word for granular pigment
What shampoo is recommended for red heads
Which shampoo has a protein called MORIKUE
System can help reduce hair loss
A texturizing technique
First shampoo developed by Horst
Where did the san-skrit language originate
This is an external technique
Where finger is placed on shear
Ingredient used to gives color pigment to Black Malva.
Word you use instead of problem
What term means "all knowledge"
Back of neck
Another word for diffused pigment
Another name for the half round brush
This finishing product works best for shine and strong hold
How many levels of color
Which hair brush works best for creating volume
Something you should never do to your guest
0-6.9 on the ph sca;e