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Substance Abuse

Against the law
A common place where drugs and other substances are used or abused
An addictive, intoxicating liquid
When you take more of a substance than recommended
Inability to stop using a substance
A short-term side affect of abusing drugs
Where drugs travel in your body
A small pellet size form of drugs
A substance used to treat pain and heroin addiction
Another term for alcohol
The term used for people who are Too young to drink or do drugs
This can happen if you abuse drugs
A common drug that is legal to use
A common brown alcohol
A slang term for marijuana
A white powder drug
A substance that can be inhaled
Destructive overuse of a substance
A long-term affect of substance abuse
Drugs that change hormone balance
Marijuana in the form of a cigarette
A way To inhale a substance
A highly addictive drug commonly injected by a needle
An abusive substance
Street name for marijuana