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Tectonic Plates Crossword Puzzle

Teacher: Dr. Lanman
A single large landmass made up of all the continents connected together that broke apart 200 million years ago
An opening in Earth's surface that often forms a mountain when layers of lava and volcanic ash erupt and build up
The liquid core that surrounds Earth's solid inner core, and that is made mostly of iron
The point of Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus
Waves of energy that reach Earth's surface during an earthquake, travel outward from the epicenter, and move rock particles up and down, and side to side
The plastic-like layer below the lithosphere
The very dense, solid center of the Earth that is made of mostly iron with smaller amounts of oxygen, silicon, sulfur, or nickel
The rigid, outermost layer of Earth that is about 100km thick, and is composed of the crust and part of the upper mantle
The waves that travel outward from an earthquake's focus and move through Earth by causing particles in rocks to vibrate at right angles to the direction of the wave
Earth's outermost layer, which varies in thickness from about 5km to 60km and is separated from the mantle by the Moho Discontinuity
A break in rock due to compression forces, where rocks above the fault surface move upward and over the rocks below the fault surface
A break in rock due to tension forces, where rock above the fault surface moves downward in relation to rock below the fault surface
Waves that travel outward from an Earthquake's focus and cause particles in rocks to move back and forth in the same direction the wave is moving
The largest layer inside Earth, lying directly above the outer core and that is made mostly of silicon, oxygen, magnesium, and iron
The surface along which rocks break and move
In an earthquake, the point beneath Earth's surface where energy release occurs
Theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections that move around on a plastic-like layer of the mantle
A break in rock due to shearing forces, where rocks on either side of the fault suface move past each other with little upward or downward movement
Vibrations caused by breaking rocks along faults