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Touching Spirit Bear

What did Garvey bring Cole in jail?
A synonym for being attacked.
What did Cole throw away that proved he saw the Spirit Bear?
Cole felt sorry for...
What was the significance of the feather in Circle Justice?
What did Cole use to scare the Spirit Bear?
What was Cole planning on doing with the canoe?
What did Cole give to Peter that Garvey gave to Cole?
When Cole first sees the Spirit Bear, what about the bear angers Cole?
According to Garvey, all life is like a what?
Who kept trying to commit suicide?
After the lightning hits the tree, what does Cole realize about himself?
What title was given to Cole for getting in trouble with the law so much?
What was part of Cole's punishment for beating up Peter?
The death of what makes Cole question life?
What does Cole burn down?
Who keeps dropping off supplies for Peter and Cole?
Who is Cole's parole officer?
What does Cole soak in every morning?
What did Peter see after beating up Cole?
What was used to get to the island?
When Cole picked up a big rock what did he call it?
Who tried to get abuse charges dropped?
What did Cole carve out of the big log found on beach?
What type of candy bar did Cole pick out of the cooler?