If you do not do this for men, God will not do it for you. 6:15
Not everyone who says this shall enter the kingdom. 7:21
If you don't do what He says, you are this. 7:26
Don't cast your pearls before these. 7:6
Mourners shall be this. 5:4
If salt loses this, it is good for nothing. 5:13
What you do to those who curse you. 5:44
Agree with him or you will face the judge. 5:25
There's is the kingdom of heaven. 5:3 (3 words)
Those who practice this will depart from Him. 7:23
Don't do this like hypocrites. 6:5
If you do what He says you are this. 7:24
Don't put this under a basket. 5:15
These are arrayed in more glory than Solomon. 6:28,29
The lamp of the body. 6:22
You are not to do this by heaven or God's throne. 5:34
This is where your treasure is. 6:21
Don't worry about what you shall ___. 6:31
The Father wants to give ____ things to those who ask Him. 7:11
If you love only those who love you, what ___ do you have. 5:46
Deliver us from this. 6:13
When you do this, wash your face. 6:17