Employee Stock Option --abbreviations
Room; outside the Earth's atmosphere
"The foundation for the preservation of freedom and happiness" (gaining knowledge) --Thomas Jefferson. --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/november-16-2024
Honor with oil; rhyme and synonym of "appoint"
See other cultures through one's own (adj.)
Only a small proportion of people who get infected with __ will get it and realize symptoms. (infectious illness, abbrev.) --who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/
Fail to consider (3 words)
The balcony scene in "Romeo and Juliet" occurs here in the play; popcorn brand (2 words) --reddit.com, Wikipedia
Enlisted personnel trained to give first aid and minor medical treatment
Redding, Mayberry town drunk (first name) --google.com
Hospital speciality area (2 words, initials)
Its capital is Santa Domingo --abbreviations.com
“impossible to underestimate” (initials) —Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), Lawrence O’Donnell show.
Michelangelo sculpted it at age 23.
"Bali ___," song from "South Pacific"
Famous director came into where I was “hosting at a charming gas station” for a Reuben. “Little did he know he would bite into something far more _____________.” (satisfying) —Moira Rose, “Schitt’s Creek”, on how she was discovered. —facebook.com/reel/1289771095256705
The only Presidents to server split terms, Cleveland and _____. --whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/grover-cleveland/#:~:text=The%20first%20Democrat%20elected%20after,1889%20and%201893%2D1897).
Indigenous people of present-day Utah, western Colorado, and northern New Mexico --Wikipedia
Palm Springs utility (3 words, initials)
Coupon Income --abbreviations.com
Republicans will have “the smallest _____ majority since there have been 50 states”. (portion of Congress) —heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/november-18-2024
Bathroom tissue (2 words, initials)
Republicans won with less money using social media, blogs and ________ while Democrats used old-school, more traditional efforts to get out the vote (e.g., door-to-door canvasing, telephoning). (serial internet shows) —Van Jones, CNN host.
Lawyer degree (initials) --google.com
With "on", squeal, tell --merriam-webster.com
Directions other than W, N
Authorized extended time off (3 words, initials)
2024 grammy nomination for Best Audit Book for his series of Sunday School lectures. (name)
Province touching MN and NY --google.com/maps
Won’t be listed on the Sex Offender Registry January 20, 2025. (residence, 2 words) —Snoopes.com, 11/18/24, dismissing rumor.
Whitney, Manning, Lilly --google.com
Obstinate, unyielding, implacable (noun)
Govt. social safety net prog.
Apposition indicating entity's personnel are not personally liable (abbrev.)
Land on the Edge —thetravelbible.com/translation-of-country-names-around-the-world/
Bumpersticker: “Don’t like abortions? Ignore them like you do ______ shootings.” (education sites) —facebook.com/photo/?fbid=122204619908056364&set=a.122108644286056364
Second Time Around --abbreviations.com
“54% of [American] adults have a literacy below _____-grade level.” (number, adj.) —crossrivertherapy.com/research/literacy-statistics#:~:text=Top%2010%20U.S.%20Literacy%20Rate,older%20are%20illiterate%20in%202022.
Over 80% of its mammals, reptiles, amphibians and plants can’t be found anywhere else in the world. (country) —twinkl.com/blog/35-facts-about-*********n-wildlife
Touching WY and NE --google.com/maps
Operating Income --abbreviations.com
Tax Rate --abbreviations.com
Vowel listing alphabetically
Everyone likes Jon, but reelection in Montana for him this time was like trying to benchpress 1,000 pounds. (last name) —Sen. John Fetterman, (D-PA).
Sequence of vowels alphabetically
Obesity is <10%, 2nd best healthcare system in the world (in terms of access, spending efficiency). (nation, abbrev.) --Wikipedia
“I don’t whine, I _____.” (express feelings) —Husband to wife, “Baby Blues” cartoon, 11/19/24
Abutting PA, DE & VA --google.com/maps
Land like a DMZ (2 words)
“No sane man would want the ______. The men who are dangerous are the ones who do want it.” (head organization of the Roman Catholic Church) —“The Conclave”. —video, joemygod.com/2024/11/chatter-away-overnight-open-thread-2423/
Clues; very small amounts --merriam-webster.com
Landmark mound --google.com
Owing to the fact that, for short
Western hemisphere continent (initials)
Harris spent too much time addressing HER ____? (core supporters)
State with the highest unemployment (5.6% in 3rd quarter 2024) (abbrev.) —bls.gov/web/laus/laumstrk.htm
Hottest state of an element
Philippines to Japan direction (abbrev.) --google.com/maps