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Cell Division and Mutations - Meek

This occurs during meiosis when there is an exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes (2 words)
Mutation that occurs when part of the chromosome is missing
Cell division resulting in two genetically identical cells
Union of egg and sperm cells resulting in a complete set of chromosomes
Egg and sperm cells
Function or purpose for doing meiosis (2 words)
When part of a chromosome occurs more than once
A cell with a full set of chromosomes (also called 2n)
chromosomes that are the same length and carry genes for the same traits
Anything that can cause a mutation
Formation of sperm cells
The formation of either egg or sperm cells during meiosis
Cell division resulting in four genetically different cells
A mutation that occurs when part of a chromosome is in reverse order
Formation of egg cells
Division of the cytoplasm
a long DNA molecule
Cell formed by the union of sperm and egg
A cell with a half set of chromosomes (also called n)
Picture of chromosomes arranged by homologous chromosome and by size