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The American Revolution

Colonial merchants often did this to get around having to pay taxes on imported goods.
This act placed Massachusetts under British martial law.
Supported independence from Britain.
Wrote "Common Sense".
Type of warfare used by the Indians and French against the British.
The "Shot Heard 'Round the World" was fired here.
Battle that showed the British the American determination to fight.
The winning battle of the Revolutionary War.
This act placed a tax on tea, paper, glass, paint, and lead.
This Act allowed British Parliament to pass and enforce any laws they wanted to.
1783 Treaty that ended the Revolutionary War.
What the colonists wanted before being taxed.
Urged her husband to "remember the ladies" when drafting new laws.
Rode out to warn of the British advance toward Lexington.
An economic policy that results in all profits going to the Mother Country and very little to the colonies.
To formally remove or nullify a law.
Done in protest of the Tea Act in Boston.
This means to provide someone shelter and food.
This act placed a tax on any printed items in the colonies.
King of England at this time.
1st and 2nd Congress
Local militia men ready to fight at a moment's notice.
Nickname for British soldiers.
Supported remaining under British rule.
Allied with the Indians to fight the British 1754-1763
This act placed a tax on molasses.
Under heavy fire, the British retreat from here back to Boston.
Pamphlet that promoted the idea of independence.
Cousin of Sam, he defended the British soldiers in court after the Boston Massacre.
Reason for British taxation of the colonists after the French and Indian War.
1763 proclamation that forbade anyone from settling west of this geographical feature.
Another name for an import tax.
This act closed the Boston harbor.
Considered to be the first person to die in the American Revolution.
Sons of ....
The "Bloody Massacre" was a form of this.
Turning point in the Revolutionary War.
One of the founding members of the Sons of Liberty.
Gave the "Give me liberty or give me death" speech.
The reason the Sugar Act was such a big deal.