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September Math

Multiples are ____. They continue on and on.
The X value always comes ____ in an ordered pair.
The numbers 2, 5, 7, 11, 13 ...
The point (0, 0)
One section on a coordinate grid is called a _____.
A ____ is a polygon with four sides.
The X axis is the ____ axis.
Label the four quadrants in a _____ direction.
When plotting a point, the X value tells you how far to go ____ or right.
The bottom number of a fraction
The factors of a number are _____. You can count them.
A two-dimensional, closed figure made with three or more connecting line segments
When plotting points on a grid, label them with ____ letters.
3, 6, 9, 12 ...
The fraction bar tells you to ___.
The top number of a fraction
A ____ pair consists of two numbers that are multiplied together.
When plotting a point, the Y value tells you how far to go up or ____.
The result of multiplication
The X-axis and Y-axis are _____ to each other.
These are sometimes used to indicate multiplication.
A ____ figure is a two-dimensional (flat) figure.
Moving left on a coordinate grid is moving in a _____ direction.
The X and Y coordinates are an _____ _____.
The fraction 3/3 is equivalent to ____ whole.
The Y value always comes ____ in an ordered pair.
Numbers that are not prime are called ____.
The Y axis is the ____ axis.
Moving right on the coordinate grid is moving in a _____ direction.
The result of addition