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Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets

What did Harry and Ron Land in when they made it to Hogwarts?
Who took the dairy out of Harrys room?
Who is the Slytherin's new seeker?
What was Ron vomiting?
What does Fawkes the phoenix do to the basilisk?
Who came and rescued Harry from the Dursley's house?
How did Ginny end up with Tom's diary?
Who was suspicious of Tom Riddle 50 years ago?
Who tells the class about the chamber of secrets?
What is Hagrid's gift to Harry?
Who made Hagrid loose his Magic?
Who was Voldemort after?
What word did Harry say that always made Uncle Vernon so mad?
What does Lockhart release and can't put away?
How did ginny get Toms diary?
Who dropped a cake on Mr.Dursley's bosses wife's head?
Who stops Harry and Ron from getting on the Train?
What was the Weasley's family owl name?
What type of broom did Harry have?
What did Malfoy call Hermione?
What is Hagrid's spiders name?
Why does Malfoy and his family think they are so perfect?
Who is dobby's master?
Harry got hit by the blunger getting this?
How did moaning Myrtle die?
What did Harry and Ron find in Hermione's hand after she was petrified?
What did Harry and Ron manage to slip Crab and Goyle?
What healed Harry's arm from the basilisk venom?
Who put bars on Harry's window so he can't get out?
Which house does the sorting hat think harry should be in at first?
Who made the potion explode?
Who wrote a song for Harry Potter?
Who got a 100% on the test?
What did Hermione turn into?
What is in the Weasley's garden?