Hole puncher --google.com
Silly, foolish --merriam-webster.com
Possessor; Wordle word of the day, 09/07/24
Trump to police, "We have to get back to power. They're afraid of that _____, . . . you people." (insignia) --apnews.com/article/trump-police-crime-law-enforcement-de5662eb889fb5dd75a893e1871b3400
Vowel sequence, alphabetically
Tropical fruit first domesticated in New Guinea --Wikipedia
American Poultry Association --abbreviations.com
Plain-speaking VP-nominee TW's state
Summer mo. in the northern hemisphere
Ron DeSantis's expectation of Harris's performance at her upcoming debate: "90 minutes of word salads doused with __________" (truisms) --floridapolitics.com/archives/693762-90-minutes-of-word-salads-ron-desantis-wades-into-kamala-harris-donald-trump-debate-dispute/
Right or left side of a body --google.com
Remote Control --abbreviations.com
Not around when needed (3 words, initials)
Indicated by black letters on yellow tape (3 words, initials)
The argument against democracy is always the same: some people are ______ ____ others. (superior to, 2 words) --Abraham Lincoln, 1858. --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/september-6-2024
After Tax --abbreviations.com
Optimism, positive expectation --thesaurus.com
Not, opposite of (prefix) --google.com
Billboard 5 miles from Mar-a-Lago: picture of Trump with caption "Cheats at ____" (sport) --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=946524610820861&set=a.580856187387707
Alphabetical vowel listing
Backers of "The Apprentice" film seek pledgers to help release the film. Their goal is one hundred $100 pledges for every Trump ______. (crime) --kickstarter.com/projects/releasetheapprentice/release-the-apprentice
Left Leg --abbreviations.com
Precedes "psi" --en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_alphabet
Considered "likely Republican" instead of "solidly Republican" in the presidential race because abortion is on the ballot. (state, abbrev.) --cookpolitical.com/ratings/presidential-race-ratings, newsweek.com/kamala-harris-*******-chances-election-1949306
Caesar, Nicoise, Cobb or Waldorf, e.g. --google.com
2024 banner: "Maybe after 248 years it's time to give the girls a ___" (go, stab, attempt) --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8014385091990943&set=a.249822761780587
Touching IN and IA --google.com/maps
The Gish Gallop technique flourishes in debates and "press conferences" that don't allow follow-up questions or live ____-________. (truth review) --latimes.com/politics/story/2024-09-05/gish-gallop-and-the-harris-trump-debate?sfmc_id=6532a1da25b3640666b88173&skey_id=2cb1f286c34da0e9e2229efa019a5d88ddd5cca2cc5ad35fdba65bdb53b6f75d&utm_id=36648065&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NLTR-Email-List-Essential%20California&utm_term=Newsletter%20-%20Essential%20California
Volume measure (metric, abbrev.)
Irritate, annoy --google.com
Between PA and MD --google.com/maps
Went to the porn store more often than I floss. (Republican candidate for governor NC)
--Stephen Colbert, 09/04/24. --joemygod.com/2024/09/colbert-tees-off-on-****-********-porn-shop-news/
Dozen --abbreviations.com
All seats taken (3 words, initials)
Mom of Kathy Bates comment: When Kathy was born and the doctor slapped her on the butt, she thought it was ________. (show of approval) --Alexis Soloski, NYT, 09/08/24
Borrowing from Hemingway, Melania's title for her new memoir:
"The Old ___ and the C" (male) --Dayglo comment, joemygod.com/2024/09/melania-my-new-book-refutes-lies-told-about-me/
Low Rate --abbreviations.com
Written afterthought (abbrev.)
Studies in contemporary state-sponsored terrorism (school period) --Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes". --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10232499687505224&set=gm.863201215759840&idorvanity=323054669774500
Multi-national org. with outlying offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague --Wikipedia
Baby Boomers: 1978, rolling ______; 2023, aching ______ (e.g. elbows)
Trump _______ cost Americans $80B/year and a loss of 142,000 jobs. (tax on imported goods) --Tax Foundation. --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/september-5-2024
Remains, tattered leftovers
Center of the contiguous US, northwest of the city of Lebanon to be more precise (state) --Wikipedia
1940's star married to Chaplin, Gershwin, and Meredith (last name) --"Desert Sun," 09/08/24, p. B4
Ex-President who declines to endorse either candidate, I "retired from presidential politics years ago". (last name) --joemygod.com/2024/09/****-wont-endorse-either-presidential-candidate/
Significant Other, e.g. (2 words, initials)
Common towel embellishment (letters)
Brandenburg Gate, The Forbidden City, or Red Square, e.g. (abbrev.)
Founding partner of NATO and its biggest funder
Unreported Income --abbvreviations.com
His approval rating has improved since dropping out. (last name) --aol.com/joe-*****-dropped-presidential-race-100423932.html
Celebrate, e.g. (3 words)
Mo. the Electoral College ballots are counted
"Things I Trust More Than Donald Trump . . . 5) Tom Brady putting ___ in my tires." (atmosphere) --Facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10161660214684889&set=gm.1676887456186266&idorvanity=768831826991838
Ensconced between NY and 86 ACROSS --google.com/maps
Vowel progression alphabetically
Under Exposed --abbreviations.com
A north-south, trans-US hiking path (initials)
Trump's economic plan would hurt the US; ______'s would make it grow. (last name) --Goldman Sachs economists. --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/september-5-2024
Einstein, Curie, Goodall, Galilei and Darwin, e.g. --google.com