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Welcome to Science!

Mr. Muir graduated from which college?
Whitmer's Male Mascot is named ______.
What is the name of the male mascot for Whitmer?
WE ______ Whitmer!!
WE ______ Whitmer!!
Which element is used in fluorescent lights?
This element is used in fluorescent lights.
Whitmer's colors are Maize and ______,
Glory to the Maize and ______.
Mr. Muir earned his Masters degree from the University of ______.
Which University did Mr. Muir earn his Master's degree from?
Chemical symbol for Magnesium.
Mr. Muir has taught for _______ years.
How many years has Mr. Muir taught?
The deans are located in which office?
The office where the deans are located.
Mr. Muir's favorite type of movie,
For every ______ there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Abbreviation for the state of Ohio.
The abbreviation for the state of Ohio.
Mr. Muir's favorite vacation destination was ______.
Mr. Muir's favorite vacation took place in ______.
What is the chemical symbol for Calcium?
The chemical symbol for calcium is ______.
Students should always act responsible; respectful; and ______.
Whitmer Panthers are Respectful, Responsible, and ______,
When asking for help/assistance one should always say _____ and thank you.
When asking for help one should always say ______ and thank you.
True or False: Mr. Muir has taught at Whitmer two or more times in his career.
All matter is made up of ______.
The following chemical symbol stands for which element: Au
This element's abbreviation is responsible for carrying oxygen in your blood.
What subject will you learn during this class period?
Mr. Muir's favorite college football team is The ______ State University.
What element is represented by the following chemical symbol: Xe
This element's chemical symbol is used in filling balloons.
Whitmer's female mascot is named ______.
This insect outnumbers humans on earth by more than 2.5 million to 1.
Being on your mobile device without permission is (always/never) acceptable.
Which number is the "loneliest" number?
Growing up Mr. Muir's favorite sport to participate/play in was ______.
What building was originally Whitmer High School?
Test that most juniors take to gain admittance into college.
The chemical symbol Au represents the element ______.
The "loneliest" number.
During this period you will learn this subject ______.
Xe stands for which element?
Students (always/never) should use their mobile devices without permission.
Which sport did Mr. Muir enjoy the most as a teenager?
Students should always think before they ______.
All matter is made up of ______.
This insect outnumbers humans by a ratio of 2.5 million to 1.
This chemical symbol represents the element which is responsible for carrying oxygen in your blood.
This chemical symbol represents the element which is often used to fill balloons.