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CAT crossword

Coined the term 'good enough' (mother) that is used in CAT to describe helpful exits
The pairings in relationships that define each other through interaction rather than opposition.
A questionnaire used in cognitive analytic therapy to assist in identifying and understanding a person’s relational patterns that are causing problems for them.
The acronym for a psychoanalytic theory that focuses on the relationships people form with others, particularly early in life, and how these internalised relationships influence their psychological development and interpersonal dynamics.
Mostly unconscious procedures that help mobilise and link smoothly RRP's.
Alternative, healthier ways of thinking, feeling, or behaving that allow a person to break free from problematic procedures.
The acronym of the method of analysing a conversation based on chains of dialogical patterns.
The mental states associated with a given role, including memories, emotions, and thoughts.
The sequences of appraisal, emotion, aim, action, consequence, and re-appraisal that maintain a problem.
An understanding of self based on internalisation of 'dialogic voices'
The phase in CAT where exits are identified and practised
The acronym referring to the zone where the patient is stretched but not overwhelmed.
The generation of a new formulation that validates the client's story
Refers to the collaborative process between the therapist and the client in which both actively engage in understanding and reformulating the client's difficulties.
A formulation or understanding of a setting, often a workplace, where the relationships people in that setting feel drawn to enact, often unhelpfully, are reflected upon using an SDR or map.
In CAT, refers to the goal or intention behind a particular behaviour or procedure, which is part of the sequences of actions and emotions that are reflected on.
A self re-inforcing problem pattern procedure
A therapeutic document that summarises and reformulates the patient's issues.
A problem procedure in which legitimate or appropriate goals are abandoned or undone
The concept where the therapist helps the patient recognise their procedures and roles.
The phase of CAT where the observing self is key
A key vygotskian concept needed for human learning
The acronym for the "map" that visually summarises the patient's core issues and processes.
The most used term for the sequential diagrammatic reformulation
The theorist of social formation of mind
A problem role procedure often described as 'either....or'