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Practice and Nature of Science

A scientifically acceptable principle or truth used to explain a phenomena
A graph that uses a line segment to show changes that occur over time
Theory of the structure of the solar system in which Earth is the center
All things can be accounted for by innumerable combinations of hard, small, invisible particles called atoms of various sized but the same basic material
All conditions are kept normal, constants, used as a comparison
Compares variables across categories
When other scientists repeat the same experiment using the same procedure
details how to perform an investigation in a reproducible, standardized way
Test your hypothesis
An educated, testable guess
Change one thing when you test your hypothesis
Model in which the Sun is assumed to be the center of the solar system while the Earth and other bodies revolve around it
Explain and predict behavior of real objects or systems that may be difficult to observe directly
A repeating path that one object takes around another. All orbits are elliptical or egg shaped
Independent, purposely changes
Fundamental science theory of biology in which cells are held to be the basic units of all living tissues
Observations collected in order to test your hypothesis
Or pie chart, portions categories into wedges, used to describe data sets in percentages
When the same scientists repeat the same experiment multiple times
Dependent, changes as the result of the experiment