Commonly heard between the first reading and second reading at Mass
During the Penitential Rite of the Mass, one strikes his or her breast when these two words are said.
First two words of the Creed.
Said at Mass: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of _____"
The name for a Priest's outer vestment
Sacred vessel in the form of a bowl or container used to hold the Sacred Hosts.
From the Creed: "I believe in one, holy, catholic and _____ church"
The name of the Creed we commonly pray at Mass: The ____ Creed.
Said at Mass: "Hallowed ___ thy Name"
Common name for a song at Mass, regardless of whether a man or woman sings it :-)
In Church parlance, the first two readings at Mass are "read," but the Holy Gospel is ____.
One of the two elements offered on the altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
These are sometimes called "Petitions" or "Bidding Prayers" but are most commonly known as _____.
The last word said at Mass.
The last word of the Creed before "Amen"
Not just a rank in the military, this word is also used to describe the white cloth that is placed on the altar when it is being prepared for the Liturgy of the Eucharist (it comes from a word meaning "body")
The first word said at Mass.
Traditional number of steps leading into the sanctuary (or to the high altar) in a Church.
Before you enter the body of the Church you may commonly bless yourself with holy water found in a large water recepticle called a ____.
Said at Mass during the consecration: "Do this in memory of ___"
The place in the Church where the Sacrament of Reconciliation is commonly ministered.
People at St. Elizabeth's Church in Wilmington complain about not having this when they go to Mass, though every other Church in our Diocese does have it. (abbreviation)
Gathering area outside the doors of the body of the Church.
If, for example, Bishop Smith in England is introduced at the beginning of Mass, the one introducing him might say "This Mass is being celebrated by the __ Reverend Smith." (two letter abbreviation)
Hardest word in the puzzle: Seen in some churches, this is the name given to a decorative piece of cloth which hangs from or is placed in front of the altar.
A man or woman who leads in song during Mass
First two words of the Penitential Act that we pray early in the Mass.
A large one covers a casket at a funeral Mass, but a smaller one covers a Chalice at all Masses.
A formal word used during Mass, at times, in place of "Brothers and Sisters"
Fancy name for the three seats in the Sanctuary of the Church for the Priest and Deacons of the Mass.
Old-style name for the donations made the by people during the collection at Mass.