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These step up and step down
The prices for a battery of this element fell 14% in 2023 from unprecedented 2022 increases
The energy industry has aspirations to match these hourly, abbr.
Upwards of 40% of Southern US homeowners have this efficient alternative, versus 5% in California
Lithium-ion alternative with potential to double vehicle range and reduce charging time
Contributes to roughly 35% of aviation’s global warming impact
This year’s is in Baku, Azerbaijan
Big tech firm whose emissions increased 48% between 2019-2024 largely due to data center energy consumption
Network with advanced metering – the US had 110 million meters for theirs as of 2021
Engineered removal type, abbr.
Price volatility of this commodity reached historic levels in 2022 in Europe, US, and elsewhere, abbr.
The process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide
Cow fart chemical formula
These utilize more than 20% of Ireland’s total metered electricity
Nautical organization housing the US’s oldest scientific agency
72% of North American corporations admit to doing this to appease customers’ sustainability interests
Energy sources contributing to nearly three-fourths of human-caused emissions
Largest global producer of renewable energy globally
Warming event that has previously impacted GDP by as much as 10% in coastal tropical countries
Not Impossible
Over 50% of this EV maker’s deliveries originate from one Shanghai factory
Binder contributing up to 9% of worldwide emissions
Thermostat start-up acquired by Google for over $3 billion
International treaty protecting the ozone layer
2023 high school graduate who was previously named Time Person of the Year
System originating in the U.S. to address acid rain
You can get this for any of over 130 carbon project types
Country representing over 50% of 2023 renewables growth
This could generate 4 million times more energy per kg of fuel than burning oil or coal
One of these can be 2,000 times as potent as carbon dioxide
Chunk that is melting at 9% per decade
Protocol operationalizing the UNFCCC by committing industrialized countries to limit GHGs
Company transferred their shares to support climate causes in 2022
Dirty air responsible for 7 million premature deaths annually
2007 Nobel Peace Prize recipient
Annual S&P Global conference in Houston with 10k+ participants, abbr.
Long-term energy agreement that is an analog for other sustainable offtake adoption, abbr.
US policy estimated to reduce emissions by 31-44% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, abbr.
Organization originating with a failed sailing voyage to a nuclear test site after a Joni Mitchell concert
Their clean car rules are being adopted by over a third of other US states, abbr.
Investment fund launched by Bill Gates and others to support climate companies
196 parties committed to limiting global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius
An increasingly scarce resource in the Southwest United States
Key Senate vote in IRA passage
Grassroots environmental organization
Tom Steyer climate firm
Bleaching of this killed up to 30% of Aussie resource
Absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases
Sequesters carbon up to four times more efficiently than terrestrial forests
Carbon accounting platform with funding round co-led by Moritz and Doerr
Compensation for carbon emissions
1 and 2 are germane, but not 3 according to the SEC
One of the longer acronyms among carbon project types
Wetland forming across bodies of water
Oceans absorb 30% of this from human activities