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Provinces controlled by Augustus
A soldier who has completed his army service
All the gods of a particular country or culture
A bronze or silver Roman coin valued at a quarter of a denarius; also referred to as a 'sestertius'
The study of coins and money
The system of government under Augustus
A gold Roman coin of the Augustan period, worth 25 silver denarii
Wife of Augustus
A ruler of a client state or kingdom that is politically or militarily subordinate to a more powerful state
Right to appoint legates and conclude treaties in the provinces
An elite unit of the imperial Roman army who served as bodyguards to the emperor and his family
Augustus' autobiography
Augustus' friend, general and son in law
Augustus' birth name
The rule of three men
In ancient Rome, a magistrate with the authority to deal with a military emergency or to undertake a specific duty
The freeing of a slave
A free Roman citizen who was not patrician
The divine element and creative force that resided in the emperor and guided him like a guardian angel
Men carrying the official emblems of pubic office - the fasces - who walked before Roman magistrates to clear a path through the crowd so that they could pass
Right to say no
The power held by the Tribunes of the Plebs
Personal inviolability (cannot be harmed)
The final battle of the civil war in which Marc Antony and Cleopatra were defeated
Power of the consuls
The First Senator
Arrangements between the Senate and Augustus
A professional heavy infantryman of a legion of the Roman army
Statue celebrating Augustus's diplomatic success in restoring the Roman standards
Augustus' daughter
Provinces controlled by the Senate
The Altar of Truth