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A Raisin in the Sun Acts I and II

The Association of Clyborne Park wants to __ the Yunger's house.
The Yungers have to share the __ with their neighbors.
Benetha wants to be a __.
George mockingly calls Walter __.
Mama put a $3,500 __ on a house.
The setting, as described in Act I scene i is __.
Mama wants Walter to put $3,000 in the bank for Benetha's __.
By giving Walter the money Mama is making him the __ of the house.
Asagi is from the country of __.
Walter wants to invest in a __ store.
__ is Asagai's tribal origin.
__ Murchanson is Benetha's rich boyfriend.
The life __ check is for $10,000.
Ruth is considering having an __.
George says Walter is "all wacked up with __."
The house Mama bought is in a __ community.
Travis and his friends play with a __ in the street.
Mr. __ represents the families living in Clyborne Parl.
Asagi's nickname for Benetha.