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15.2 WWII p. 1-7

Where the Allies planned to land their force for invasion
an attempt to kill all members of a particular group of people
battleships to traveling with supply ships
United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union, and China
a new organization to settle international conflicts
a person injured or killed in war
refers to views or actions that harm or discriminate against Jews
_____ _____ _____ helped the Allied troops fight the Germans in Paris.
German submarines
The leader of the German forces, General Alfred Jodl, signed a statement of unconditional surrender on May 7, 1945. May 8 was declared _____ .
This agreement had ended World War I.
a term used for the date of any large, secret military operation
Set free
Night of Broken Glass
Germany, Italy, and Japan
With the two armies working together, _____ _____ broke through the German defenses.
prisons where the Nazis put people they considered undesirable
means that there are no promises given to the losing side
Former French army troops
Horrible acts
These laws applied to people of German citizenship who had more than two Jewish grandparents. The laws denied these people’s basic rights.
a policy to operate death camps for efficiently murdering Jews and others
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill
Their job was to shoot Jews whom the German troops had taken prisoner.
Areas where Nazis separated Jews from other Germans by forcing them to live there.