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Julius Caesar Act V Review

5.3 This scene ends with Brutus heading off to fight a __ battle.
5.5 When Octavius says, "All that served Brutus, I will entertain them." he means he will take them into his __.
5.5 According to Anthony, all the conspirators save Brutus killed Caesar out of __.
5.4 We learn of __'s death in this scene.
5.5 Octavius means to see that Brutus receives the funeral of a __.
5.1 The day of battle is Cassius's __.
5.1 According to Anthony, the enemy is coming to them to show how __ they are.
5.1 Cassius no longer believes in the Epicurian philosophy that the Gods were __ to human affairs and thus did not believe in omens.
5.4 __ dies in this scene.
5.1 Anthony claims Brutus's words are __ when he says, "In your bad strokes, Brutus, you give good words."
5.3 Brutus credits __ with Cassius's death.
5.4 Anthony refers to Lucillius when he says, "I had rather have Such men as friends than __."
5.1 Before the battle, the generals of both sides meet to __.
5.4 __ is mistaken for Brutus and taken alive in battle.
5.5 Anthony calls Brutus "the __ Roman of them all."
5.3 When he says, "I owe more tears To this dead man than I can pay." Brutus means he has no time to __.
5.5 Of the four men, Brutus asks to help him kill himself, __ agrees.
5.2 Brutus sends orders ("bills") to Cassius to attack Octavius's army as they lack the __ spirit and will be easy to defeat.
5.1 By saying their goodbyes before the battle, Cassius and Brutus foreshadow their __.
5.1 Cassius calls Octavius a "__ schoolboy" (silly) unworthy of an honourable death.
5.1 When Anthony says the conspirators showed their "teeth like apes" before Caesar, he means they imitated __.
5.4 When Cato cries out, "What bastard doth not?" the word "bastard refers to untrue __.
5.1 According to Octavius, the conspirators stabbed Caesar __-__ times.
5.1 Octavius takes charge of the battle plans by insisting he take his men to the __ while Anthony is to take his men to the left.
5.3 According to Titinius, Cassius "__" as defeat what was Brutus's victory over Octavius.
5.1 Before the battle, Cassius and Brutus bid each other __.
5.5 Brutus's bones shall lie in __'s tent this night.
5.1 According to Cassius, if he had had his way, __ would not be alive to speak so rudely to them.
5.3 When Cassius says, "My life is run his __." he believes he will die this day, his birthday.
5.1 Cassius claims Anthony's words are __ when he says, "they rob the Hybla bees."