Grayish brown wild sheep of mountainous western north america
Mammal from peru, with fine woolly hair, related to llama
Very large south American snake
Large cat of tropical America, bigger than a leopard
Fish eating diving bird w/ webbed feet
Small rodent related to muskrats, resembles stock mice
Breed of domestic goat, raised for long silky hair
Very large south American vulture with head and neck featherless
Aquatic egg-laying mammal of Australia, bill like a duck, webbed feet and broad tail
Fast indian mammal ,size of ferret, eats snakes
Small insect and plant eating marsupial of Australia
Segmented invertebrate with long body cavity
Insect eating mammal with long spines, able to roll up in a ball
Herons that have long plumes during breeding season
Wild goat living in high mountains of Europe, w/ long curved horns
Australian marsupial with large hairy ears, no tail and lives in the eucalyptus tree
Flightless bird of new zealand
Thickset short necked diving seabird op northern hemishpere
Stork with large show shaped bill,blue feathers, from africa
Aquatic long-legged and long-necked bird, rosy white plumage with scarlet tips
Whale with enormous horn extending from its head, lives in artic sseas
Smallish white whale w/horn
Slow moving mammal of south/central America, lives in trees and hangs upside down