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O2 Urinary & Bowel Elimination

Safe technique for using portable oxygen
Test used to measure oxygen, CO2 & PH
Assessment finding consistent with hypoxia
Process by which oxygenated capillary blood passes through tissues
Contraindication for Bismuth Salicylate
Removal of fluid from pleural space
Collapsed alveoli
Delivers high concentration of O2
Sounds heard in restricted airway
Surgical resection in small intestine for a urinary diversion
Vibrating sensation that is palpated over an AV Fistula
Opens narrowed airways & relieves wheezing
Sign of colon cancer
Tx for obstructive sleep apnea
Direct visualization of the bladder
Diagnostic verification after NGT placement
End tidal CO2 measurement
Turbulent sound of blood flow over an AV fistula
Delivers precise concentration of O2
Laxative contraindicated for a patient with CKD
Technique for a sterile urine collection
Low flow oxygen delivery
Reduces inflammation
Drugs causing respiratory depression
Device used for absent respirations