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Harry Potter Trivia 1

What you get from Ollivanders.
_____ network (for travelling through the fireplace).
_____ Myrtle.
______ turner (what Hermione wears around her neck).
Harry's best friend.
The dark wizard who killed Harry’s parents.
____ Wizard Tournament
This plant root screams loudly.
The three-headed dog guarding the trapdoor to the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Diagon ____.
The magical creature that can heal with its tears.
He teaches Potions class.
The spell used to summon objects.
Soul-sucking creatures that guard the wizarding prison, Azkaban.
Black dog seen in Harry's tea leaves by Professor Trelawney.
Sirius Black animagus form.
Marauder's ____.
Majestic and courageous creature often associated with the Gryffindor house.
The spell used to erase memories.
Mad-____ Moody
Scabbers is what kind of animal?
The magical creature that can transform into anyone’s worst fear.
The house-elf who serves the Malfoy family.
Mischievous magical creatures with a penchant for shiny objects.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood ______
_____ Lovegood (Harry's friend)
Another name for spell - a dark magic charm
Veritaserum - a truth potion that stops you from telling a ____
____ Chang (Harry Potter friend).