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Flat hands (palms up, pointing forward) circle outwards. Shoulders shrug.
Working flat hand (palm forward, pointing up) is held in front of working side of body.
"N" hands (palms back, pointing in) move alternately to mouth.
Working thumb hand (palm back, pointing in) held up in front of body. Directional sign. Then, Working "N" hand (palm back, pointing in/up) touches chin and twists down to palm down, pointing forward.
Working "V" hand (palm in, pointing forward) drops down from wrist.
Working flat hand (palm back, pointing up) fingers in front of bottom lip, drops forward and down (palm up, pointing forward).
Open hands (palms back/in, pointing forward/in) interlace. Repeat.
Working flat hand (palm back, pointing in/up) taps supporting side of upper chest and moves across to tap working side.
Working flat hand (palm down, pointing in) makes small inward circle on back of supporting wrist.
Fingers of working open hand flutter against cheek.
Working clawed hand (palm in, pointing forward) swings back towards body closing into fist. Do not contact body.
Working index hand (palm back, pointing up) traces around lips.
Make letter shape "P" twice with slight forward flick.
Working index hand (palm in, pointing up) by side of head moves upwards.
Working index indicates vein on back of relaxed supporting hand; then make the letter shape "P" twice with slight forward flick.
Working flat hand (palm back, pointing up) makes vertical inward circle in front of chin. Do not conceal mouth.
Working closed pinched hand (palm in, pointing up) at side of forehead; index finger flicks up.
Make letter shape "M"; then flat hands (palms back, pointing in/up), in front of face, move out in small arc.
Make letter shape "Y", tapping twice.
Working cupped hand strikes twice across supporting palm moving towards heel of hand.
Working flat hand (palm up, pointing in) scythes along supporting forearm (palm up, pointing forward).
Elbow of working open hand (palm forward, pointing up) rests on back of supporting hand (palm down, pointing in); working hand quivers.