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Easter Changes Everything

Resurrection Sunday
Sorrowful. The disciples were __ until they realized Christ rose from the grave
Contend. Earnestly __ for the Faith. Jude 1:3
Omelet ingredient
Reference. Messianic believers __ Old Testament prophecies
Vacant. Disciples discovered Christ's tomb was __
Come back. Christ's prophesied __ is known as the Second Coming
One. Eat __ egg on Easter-- chocolate, dyed, marshmallow or over easy
Historic period, Elizabethan __
Christ abolished death & brought immortality __ life through the gospel. 2 Timothy 1:10
Jerusalem's __ Dolorosa, Way of Sorrows
Vision. Jesus restored __ to the blind (esp the spiritually blind)
Unspoken but implied. Her __ response led to a misunderstanding
Sin Not (ab)
Her Royal Highness (ab)
Lessening. Christ's resurrection is __ believers' grief.
Torture. Christ's body suffered extreme __ in crucifixion
Conclusion. Jesus' crucifixion has a happy __
Old Testament name for God, __ Shaddai
Proceed. If God says no, don't __
Cereal grain
Suffered. Christ __ great agony in crucifixion
Woman. The 1st person to witness Jesus' empty tomb was a __
Easter bunny tales begin: __ upon a time...
French for "yes"
Kindest. Dying for my sins is the __ thing Christ could do for me
Substitutionary. Jesus died a __ death on the cross for us
Threesome like Father, Son & Holy Ghost
Satan. Jesus defeated death & the __ on the cross. 1 Corinth.15
Large (ab)
Emblem, special ops guy or sea mammal
Like. Christians do not have to grieve __ those who have no hope. 1 Thess.4:13
A random person. If __ repents of his sins, God will cleanse his soul. 1 Corinth.1:9
All matters. Easter changes __
Goal. God's __ for me is holiness, then happiness
Tomb. A __ couldn't keep Jesus from rising from the dead
Regarding (ab)
Years lived. We all need salvation, regardless of our __
Iniquity. Jesus died on the cross for our __
@. Gaze __ the cross & that will clear your sight
Fatality. Jesus conquered __ on the cross. 1 Corinth.15
Tombs. All in their __ will be raised to Paradise or perdition. John 5:28
Painful pressure. Christ's body endured great __ on the cross
Crucifix. Jesus was nailed to a __ for our sins
The past. Today is the pupil of __. Publilius Syrus
Mini letter. Roman soldiers nailed a mocking __ to the cross that read: King of the Jews
Hearing organ. If you turn a deaf __ to God's Law, your prayer is detestable. Prov.28:9
Chinese tennis star, __ Na
Inaccurately. Those who doubt Jesus' resurrection read Old Testament prophecies __
Clever. Satan thought his plan to kill God was __
Cultivations. Gethsemane & Mt Scopus Botanical are Jerusalem __
Viewed. The toddler __ the Easter bunny w/some suspicion
Move head to say "yes"
Neutral pronoun. Just because something hurts doesn't mean __ isn't good for you
Salty green vegs. Jesus ascended from Jerusalem's Mount of __
No charge (ab)
Not dead. The Bible is __, it speaks to me! Luther
Occult gameboard
Make amends. Jesus died to __ for our sins
We all will either enjoy eternity in Paradise __ endure it in perdition
Therefore. Sin leads to death, __, choose life!
Spanish for "yes"
Central Intelligence Agency (ab)
Every. The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to __ men. Titus 2:11
Understand Golgotha (ab)