Sorrowful. The disciples were __ until they realized Christ rose from the grave
Contend. Earnestly __ for the Faith. Jude 1:3
Reference. Messianic believers __ Old Testament prophecies
Vacant. Disciples discovered Christ's tomb was __
Come back. Christ's prophesied __ is known as the Second Coming
One. Eat __ egg on Easter-- chocolate, dyed, marshmallow or over easy
Historic period, Elizabethan __
Christ abolished death & brought immortality __ life through the gospel. 2 Timothy 1:10
Jerusalem's __ Dolorosa, Way of Sorrows
Vision. Jesus restored __ to the blind (esp the spiritually blind)
Unspoken but implied. Her __ response led to a misunderstanding
Lessening. Christ's resurrection is __ believers' grief.
Torture. Christ's body suffered extreme __ in crucifixion
Conclusion. Jesus' crucifixion has a happy __
Old Testament name for God, __ Shaddai
Proceed. If God says no, don't __
Suffered. Christ __ great agony in crucifixion
Woman. The 1st person to witness Jesus' empty tomb was a __
Easter bunny tales begin: __ upon a time...
Kindest. Dying for my sins is the __ thing Christ could do for me
Substitutionary. Jesus died a __ death on the cross for us
Threesome like Father, Son & Holy Ghost
Satan. Jesus defeated death & the __ on the cross. 1 Corinth.15
Emblem, special ops guy or sea mammal
Like. Christians do not have to grieve __ those who have no hope. 1 Thess.4:13
A random person. If __ repents of his sins, God will cleanse his soul. 1 Corinth.1:9