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As I Lay Dying

Vardaman attacks Peabody's horses with one
Vardaman was _______ on Tull's door in the middle of the night
How Jewel is often described
What Cash is worried the coffin won't do.
Darl is not is. Darl is _____.
What Dewey Dell told Vardaman they would get in town
Anse is compared to this animal immediately following Addie's death
Bundren matriarch
Darl is not ____. Darl is are.
Anse asks Addie to ______ for the boys to come back
His mother is a horse
What Dewey Dell wants
Vardaman (after chopping up the fish): "Phew. I'm pure _____."
Another one of Cash's tools
__________ and the Nature of Existence
My mother is a _______
The way Vardaman wanted the window to be
The reason Darl and Jewel missed Addie's death
What Cash broke falling off a church roof
Author of this book
Where Pa and Tull talk at the beginning of the book
Darl sees the sun as a _______ egg.
He picked on into the secret shade with Dewey Dell
It is possible Darl served in ________ (abr)
The weather while Cash finishes the coffin
Where Vardaman said he couldn't breathe
Town doctor. Very fat.
Last name of Vernon and Cora
"Durn that road"
What many of you have said while reading this novel
Peabody is very ______.
"The Lord ________"
As I Lay __________
Anse does this for the funeral
"She will rest quieter for knowing it and that it was her own ______ sawed out the boards and drove the nails"
What the Tulls think motivates the Bundrens
Tull's other daughter
Anse: "________ them boys"
Dewey Dell has a dream she does this to Darl
Anse: "She was always one to ______ up after herself."
They use this to haul Peabody up to the house
Jewel has very little _____ life, so we only get one POV chapter from him the whole book
Religious and judgmental
Friendly neightbor
Word meaning "to wail in grief"
The journey from the Bundren house into town is forty _______
Sees the Bundrens approaching the flooded river
What the Bundrens need to cross to get to town
These start following the wagon
The first town they pass on their journey
Word that begins Cora's first chapter
Confused six-year old
16 and Pregnant
Where this novel is set
Town preacher
Alliterative tool of Cash
What the children call Anse
Cora: "Trust in the _______"
Has visions; our "main character"
They cover Addie's face with one to hide the holes
Cash made one for Addie
Language v. __________
What Anse wants
"I built it on the ______"
Dewey Dell had a connection with one
This novel is considered __________ Gothic
Cash is building the coffin outside Addie's __________.
Addie _________: "Cash! You, Cash!"
Appropriate description of Anse
Jewel's face turns _____ when he puts the coffin into the wagon
Tull's daughter
Addie has been ______ for at least three weeks.
Anse tucks his snuff against his ______.
An appropriate verb to consider in this novel is the verb: "to ____"