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Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan

Peace, Justice, and ______Institutions improved with birth registrations for children under 5 improving by 8.2%.
Affordable and Clean ______ increased by 4x between 2015-2019 including a nationwide 47% increase on clean fuel for cooking.
Pakistan has shown significant improvement in partnships for the _____ with a 20% increase in fixed broadband suscriptions per 100 inhabitants.
Progress was made in _______, innovation, and infrastructure with small scale industries incceased in value from 2019-2020.
This SDG needs work with primary school completition rate at 67% and the national literacy rate at 60% with no improvements from 2015-2020.
Access to clean _____ increased by 17% from 2015-2020.
Pakistan is committed to the problem of hazardous waste showing commitment to responsible ______ and production.
Zero _____: Undernourishment declined by 4.2% from 2015-2019.
Progress was made for sustainable ____ and communites with a 7% decline in the proportion of urban populations living in inadequate housing.
Despite the growing population, Pakistan's forest areas has remained unchanged showing progress for life on _____.
The proportion of women in managerial positions doubled between 2015 and 2019; physical violence against women reduced by 5.3% showing progress in _______equality.
Small progress was made in reducing ______ with a reduction of income inequality by 2% from 2016-2019.
Pakistan maintainted fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels showing progress in life below_____.
Progress on Decent Work and ______ growth has been slow with a economic slowdown of -3.36% from 2019-2020.
_______ consistently declined from 2014-2015 until 2-18-2019, with 9.3 million people lifted out of _______
Greenhouse gas emissions grew 2.5% from 2015-2016, but has adopted a national disaster risk reduction strategy showing minimal contribution to _______action.
Pakistan has reduced the number of mothers dying in childbirth by 32.5% and increased births attended by skilled health personnel by 10% showing progress in the good health and well _____