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Protestant Reformation

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A radical Protestant Reformation movement that developed around 1525. known for the practice of rebaptizing adult believers and rejecting infant baptism
Beliefs or practices that deviate from established tradition
Practice that allowed people to pay for absolution for sins
Another sola of the Reformation emphasizing grace alone as the cause of salvation
A Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola known as the Society of Jesus
A reform movement that swept through Europe in the 16th century which broke away from the Roman Catholic Church
Associated with the Church of England
Doctrine associated with Lutheranism stating that the bread and wine in the Eucharist coexist with the body and blood of Christ
Swiss reformer who rejected the veneration of the saints and emphasized the authority of Scripture
Henry VIII was the monarch of this country who broke away from the Catholic Church
Translated Bible into English
Catholic doctrine that the bread and wine in the Eucharist are transformed into the literal body and blood of Christ
In Calvinism the doctrine that God has eternally chosen those whom he intends to save
French theologian who was a principal figure in the second generation of the Reformation
The belief that Christians are freed from moral law by virtue of grace (critiqued by both Protestant and Catholic leaders)
German monk best known for his 95 Theses which criticized Church practices
Sola _______ . asserts that scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice of Christians
Formal expulsion of an individual from the Church and depriving them of participation in sacraments
An ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church held in three sessions between 1545 and 1563 in response to the Protestant Reformation
An intermediate state after death where souls undergo purification before entering heaven
Latin for "faith" in "faith alone" which emphasized that justification and salvation come through faith in Christ alone
Philip _________ . A collaborator of Luther