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Patient Safety Awareness Week 2024

Code color for infant abduction under age one missing or reported kidnapped
A severe body response to an infection
Patients deemed at high-risk for falls should NOT ______ alone
A patient is wandering the hospital halls with a yellow armband. What is the patient at risk for?
Code color for child abduction - age 1-12 missing or reported kidnapped
Health _____ is where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their optimal health
The single most important way to prevent the spread of infection
Medication _______ helps identify and resolve discrepancies such as duplications, omissions, and drug interactions
Method of transmission of infection that requires the patient to be isolated in a negative pressure room
Improving safety requires an organizational ________ that enables and prioritizes safety
A risk ______ can help identify patients at risk for suicide
Universal protocol requires a _______ before a procedure
The number of moments of hand hygiene according to the World Health Organization (WHO)
Encourage patients to _____ __ if they do not understand something about their care (two words)
This year's Patient Safety Awareness Week theme: We Are Safer ________
National Patient Safety Goal #2 - Improve the effectiveness of _______ among caregivers
Full name and date of birth, for example
SBAR facilitates prompt and effective communication. What does the "B" in SBAR stand for?
Code color for person 18 and older with cardiopulmonary arrest
A wrong dose of medication prescribed is detected before being administered is an example of a/an ________ (two words)
A federal law that regulates the use and disclosure of protected health information (acronym)
Who is responsible for patient safety?
A type of culture in which accountability is fairly balanced between the organization and the individual workforce members
Acronym for VCMC's & SPH's online reporting system